
8467 - New online gallery for emerging artists - Copenhagen


The project has been created by three young innovators.
Rendezvous Artspace is the latest innovation within Danish galleried art. The project has been created by three young innovators in order to present the best of the best from the latest talents of the art world. Rendezvous Artspace is not about following trends, but seeks to create them.
Rendezvous Artspace is an art gallery, but not in the traditional sense. There are no white walls, spacious floors and high ceilings. It is a virtual art universe, existing and functioning solely in the ether, permanently discoverable in cyberspace.

The three young gallery curators behind Rendezvous Artspace curate with a passion and taste for that which drives art forwards in new directions, breaking rules and creating new. Hardly the art for the wall above the settee! The ambition for the gallery is to be the place to find new artworks revoking the traditional, a first stop to orientate oneself amongst new happenings, find new artists and be challenged.

“At Rendezvous Artspace we don’t include generally traditional, classical paintings. We select the new type of contemporary art that dares to defy tradition. Art which does not follow current populism, Art which isn’t that in which the buying public invest – yet. We throw artistic punches, perhaps intending to hurt”, proclaims co-founder and curator Søs Bech Ladefoged, and adds: “we’re constantly searching for the newest of the new, the undiscovered and the emerging. Tomorrows art!”

A passion for the unconventional
For the three founders, it isn’t about purveying art over the counter, nor about financial profit. “We run the gallery out of pure passion for new and emerging art and because we want to give all the non-traditional artworks a great platform”, says co-founder and curator Amalie Marie Laustsen. The women behind Rendezvous Artspace have, without profit, worked for the last few years to present emerging art through a succession of pop-up exhibitions and arrangements in Denmark. Now this passion has extended into the digital gallery.

“There are so many exciting possibilities in an on-line format”, says curator Stine Skjødt Mygind. “For example, we have no physical limitations, so we can, unlike a traditional gallery, show as many large exhibits at a single event as we wish”. Right now, one can browse in the gallery with video art compositions, space-taking installations and mobile sculptures.

Rendezvous Artspace are absolutely not limited by geography. “We want to reach out over our borders, and we have excellent possibilities to spread the best new emerging contemporary art throughout the world. We are already seeing a huge interest in this format from other places in Europe and USA”, concludes Amalie Marie Laustsen.

Rendezvous Artspace is currently presenting works from 12 emerging artists whom, without doubt, are worth keeping an eye open for, and are constantly expanding with more exciting partners.

So take a look into the glass ball and see and feel the future of art and perhaps learn how or what that will be.